Monthly Archives: February 2015

The benefits of Yoga

Thanks to all those who attended our first Yoga Fit class on Monday. We hope you all enjoyed it, and we look forward to seeing you again. Yoga Fit is a great class for those of you who want to benefit from the practice of yoga, but also want to get the heart pumping a […]

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Kids Ju-Jutsu – Keep up the good work!

It’s great to see so many children attending our Ju-Jutsu classes and all working so hard ahead of our competition on Sunday 8th March. The kids are all having great fun at the same time, which is good to see. If you all keep up the good work, the competition will be great, and you’ll […]

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Well done to all Adult Ju-Jutsu attendees

What a brilliant class we had last week! There was great pad work and amazing grappling skills on show in what was a very tough sparring session. Congratulations to Deirdre, Ann Marie, Johnie and Liam on their promotion to orange belt, and Francis on his new yellow belt, after a great Aiki Ju-Jutsu workshop with […]

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7 helpful nutrition tips

Food is fuel – without the right foods and drinks, exercise is far less effective. That’s why we’ve put together these 7 easy to follow tips for improved nutritional values in your daily life. 1/ Eating 4-5 ounces of salmon twice per week provides you with enough Omega-3 fatty acids for the entire week. Salmon […]

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Coming up in Ju-Jutsu…

It’s great to see so many new students at our Ju-Jutsu classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, especially the new group of teenage girls and boys that have joined – you’re all picking it up so quickly! This week, we will be working on pad work, combinations of knees, elbows, punches and kicks, and power kicking. […]

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Welcome back to the women’s fitness classes!

It’s been great to see you all back after the holidays and we had such a great turn out for January. Hopefully, you all enjoyed the healthy treats I baked for you to try! Don’t forget, if you’d like a copy of the recipes, just ask me at any of the classes. Let’s make February […]

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