Home » Women's Fitness Classes » Welcome back to the women’s fitness classes!

Welcome back to the women’s fitness classes!

Fit women holding blue fitness balls in exercise roomIt’s been great to see you all back after the holidays and we had such a great turn out for January.

Hopefully, you all enjoyed the healthy treats I baked for you to try! Don’t forget, if you’d like a copy of the recipes, just ask me at any of the classes.

Let’s make February an even better month. I’m sure lots of you have 1st Communions, Confirmations, weddings or holidays coming up in the next few months, so start your workouts early and see what great results you can achieve!

Women’s circuit training is the ideal class for busy women – it’s a 30 minute all over body workout. For more information on our classes and prices, click here.

Hope to see you soon! Joan.